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Unbelievable: He Never Thought That Drying Clothes At Home Will Cause This

October 7, 2016

Craig Mather, 43 year old from Bolton, claims that he suffers a lung infection which was caused by drying clothes at home. He suffered severe lung issues due to mold caused by the dying of clothes on the radiator.

“I began to mend when I was diagnosed with chronic pulmonary aspergillosis and I needed to use special drugs in order to get rid of the fungal infection,” said the father of three children.

Unbelievable He Never Thought That Drying Clothes At Home Will Cause This

He was warned by his doctor that the problems could be even more severe, so he decided to stop with drying his clothes at home in the past 12 months. This measure resulted with great improvement in his overall health.

The doctors warned about these health problems that can be result of drying clothes in your home. This habit can contribute to many serious health issues.

In fact, the levels of moisture could be increased up to 30% if you dry your clothes on the radiator. This is a perfect environment for the growth of fungi.

In this way you are releasing almost two gallons of water which is contained in the wet clothes. Many people’s bodies are strong enough to fight this disease or are immune to fungi developed in these conditions.

Anyway, people who suffer from asthma could experience issues with coughing and wheezing, and people who have weak immune system, like cancer patients, for example, who are subjected to chemotherapy, fungi could lead to pulmonary aspergillosis.

This condition may be irremediable and sometimes it could result with deadly lung damage, states Prof. David Denning, who recommends you to dry your clothes in some room with proper ventilation or the best thing would be if you dry them outside. Avoid drying your clothes in the living room or your bedroom.

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